
     Dragons are seen as evil creatures but occasionally they can be the key to victory.  Dragons come in different shapes and sizes, with thousands of different types of colors. A common dragon (if a dragon can be common) is a brass dragon. It took me a while to find it but I found one, they are almost a gold color with wings that lead all the way down its back to the tip of its tail. They live in the desert so they can camouflage with the sand in mid-day. I got to study a lot of the brass dragons life stages because after I discovered the first one it led me to a colony of dragons. 

     The first stage is in the egg, and then they hatch into tinny little insect size golden creatures that soon grow into the size of a great danes and are well capable at out running a human but are easier to get away from if they’re in the air probably because their wing muscles are not strong enough to carry about 300 pounds of muscle and scales. The next set seems to act a lot like teenagers, they go in their separate groups and are very protective and are extraordinary they are hostile  With a venomous bite finally groan in they start picking on the younger dragons so they finally get a chance to practice hunting. All though these dragons can fly they are just the size of horses and only can get a few feet off the ground. The next stage is magnificent; they shed their scales and ten times their size in two months breaking off the weight that pulled them down when they are younger and can finally soar to the stars.
     Another dragon is the skeletal dragon a beast that has n form of flesh but is only the skeleton of a fallen dragon. When a dragon dies it goes to the world beyond and its body gets left behind, but if its spirit get summoned by a necromancer. Some say it returns when the corps bursts into flames and the skin gets incinerated and the creature is returned to the world. Another myth is the body floats into the air and gains enough speed that it turns into a shining new star and its skeleton fly's to its slayer or slayers heir. But it’s just a myth chance are you may never see a dragon but if you slay a beast as mighty as a dragon keep this myth in mind it is rumored that dragon slayers are die at young ages, or get drive mad in fear of having the beast return and be almost invincible. 

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